Monday, October 16, 2006

Days of Agitation - Strong Undertow Day

So what's eating you? What underlying thread of discomfort annoys your inner being to the point of aggravation? Beware of the undertow of discontentment as it has a strong current, which will not only pull you under but also send you a drift far from where your heart purpose lies.

We all can fall prey to these darker emotionally charged thoughts and feelings. The trick is to catch ourselves before we get pulled under. What may help is to embrace and accept these feelings, honoring them, and let them go. It's the letting go that will occur over time and with practice.

Placing your hand on your chest and inhaling into the feeling has helped many to honor this inner-child of pain. As thoughts manifest our reality we need to take care and focus on what we want, not on what we don't want. You may have heard the saying "Thoughts are things." or "We get more of what we focus on."

So, what are the mind's thoughts focused on today? Breath into the feelings, embrace and allow this discomfort, and then let go; all the while focusing on gratitude and acceptance of where you are in the moment. After all, circumstances change, environments change, but the "law of attraction" remains the same. Attract what you want and co-create your day with God.