Saturday, September 02, 2006

Children and Being Parents

Children are a joy and as parents our love, guidance, and consistent enforcement of boundaries will teach them how to help themselves. In the early years of development we are financially responsible for providing their material, physical, emotional, and psychological needs. After that it’s about releasing control and providing a nurturing, supportive, environment helping them learn values. Being parents is a balance between discipline and nurturing.

Guilt and shame interfere with our children’s development and our parenting. We can hold them accountable for their actions at an age-appropriate level. Of course, we need only do our best. Then we can let go of their own process of living.

So, we can ask for strength to help us find an appropriate balance of responsibility to our children. We can ask for help in parenting through nurturing and discipline, instead of control. Then we can let go and trust in the embrace of love found in the “Azure Edge”.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Are we like Alice in Wonderland?

Alice came to a fork in the road.
"Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."
~Lewis Carroll

When searching for direction, especially on the road of life, it's refreshing to run across someone with perspective like the clever feline. In this world we seem to have been trained to expect something other than genuine honesty. "Where do you want to go?", truly is the question.

We all know that direction needs a clear destination and inner purpose. Of course, to help us keep on track a compass comes in handy. From time to time we all reach a point of questioning where we loose our points of reference and choose to not look at our compass. It's OK.

Remember, this seemingly fearful time is really our internal "alert" system letting us know that we are still committed to our inner truth of "life purpose". We are letting ourselves know that we are merely in need of a course correction. Afterall, pilots flying from the mainland to Hawaii are constantly making course corrections to land on a dime on an island in the Pacific called paradise.

Once we understand that we are still on track and merely making a course correction we are no longer embarrassed or condemning. Instead we find validity in knowing we are still committed to our "life purpose" and are able to get on course once again.

This is your life and posses a unique "life purpose". Use your internal compass and celebrate the "Wonderment" of your life's purpose. Allow it to unfold each day as you make course corrections to ultimately reach the destination of "YOU" which is the unfolding of your "life purpose" in the "AzureEdge".

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Real Love

Love and Acceptance

We are all looking for love and acceptance. But how many of us love and accept ourselves?

Someone who has found him or her, figured out what works for them, and accepts their approach to life is uniquely special and gives breath to the lives they touch.

It takes a special person to love and accept him or herself as we are our harshest critics.

What's odd is that to love ourselves and to be loved in return implies two identities within each of us.

Perhaps it is an "adult"/"child" relationship or a "mind-perception-based-false-ego" in contrast with a "being-real-based-true-soul".

In any event, it's good to know we each have a friend at all times ready to love and remind us of the joy life can bring each day if we allow it.

Today, I allow myself to feel emotions, and my mind to project thoughts, all the while knowing that they are NOT real. I honor the process and breath in the truth of knowing all is unfolding in perfect order.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Real and Un-real

A Course In Miracles begins:

Nothing "REAL" can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herin lies the peace of God.

We need to trust that all is working in perfect order regardless of our subjective judgemental perceptions based on what is "un-real". We could choose to focus on what is "REAL" and unchanging, which has no end or begining,  which lies beyond time and process with no opposite. It is truth.

The "gap" between thoughts in the silence of a moment inhaled deeply into the lungs provides a glimpse of inner peace. This peace of God may be experienced as love. We can walk in His presence or in love, moment to moment, as in prayer, resting between thoughts, between the cracks of our perceived notions, holding onto the non changing truth of the "Knowing" found in the "Azureedge".