Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Real Love

Love and Acceptance

We are all looking for love and acceptance. But how many of us love and accept ourselves?

Someone who has found him or her, figured out what works for them, and accepts their approach to life is uniquely special and gives breath to the lives they touch.

It takes a special person to love and accept him or herself as we are our harshest critics.

What's odd is that to love ourselves and to be loved in return implies two identities within each of us.

Perhaps it is an "adult"/"child" relationship or a "mind-perception-based-false-ego" in contrast with a "being-real-based-true-soul".

In any event, it's good to know we each have a friend at all times ready to love and remind us of the joy life can bring each day if we allow it.

Today, I allow myself to feel emotions, and my mind to project thoughts, all the while knowing that they are NOT real. I honor the process and breath in the truth of knowing all is unfolding in perfect order.

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