Friday, September 22, 2006

Bridges of Madison County

Is there a place where two souls recognize the brilliance and timelessness within each other? Perhaps it is a connection through a passing gaze that locks the two forever in familiarity. Such is a reminder from the romantic story entitled "The Bridges of Madison County".

Many poets, writers, and various muses throughout time speak of such a connection between two "star struck" lovers that are forever tied together in oneness of spirituality transcending space, place, and time. The two in each other's presence create a vortex of intertwining energy encircling and transporting the two into a dimension of enlightened presence where outsiders take notice.

Maybe souls have an agreement to meet again here on earth. And, as chance would have it, we meet again in a glimpse of familiarity that in turn ignites a fire that forever consumes our presence in this life. The burning in our heart of hearts is the true “Self” expressing itself without heed to any fear based thought.

Circumstances and perceived limitations then are used to deny, rationalize, and suppress this divine meeting of providence. Fear that we don't deserve this kind of love, or our insatiable need for security creates discourse between our soul nature and practical mind.

What if our minds seek security only to discover that the temporal nature of this existence is in fact based on change and there is no security to be had? So we pursue something that doesn't exist except in our fearful minds. It's a fear based illusion.

Why is it that so many folks turn to escaping from themselves through some distraction be it alcohol, pot, pills, cigarettes, people, television, etc. . . ? Perhaps it’s because they are unhappy on a soul level. They have “sold out” on themselves. They are doing the “right thing” which goes against their life purpose.

This internal struggle then manifests its self into life struggle and ultimately pain. These poor souls have given into their self-limiting fear-based thought making decisions and building a life on a foundation of fear. No wonder they don’t want to be fully present in the moment and search for relief from the reality they created.

Wouldn't it be nice if they were able to take a trip away from their limit-based life where they had no need of escape through cigarettes, pot, or alcohol? That's when they might realize that they are following their destiny of life purpose. They would be moving a mountain of insecurity with mustard seed like faith while not even realizing it because it is effortless.

What if we continued on this path and followed our innate soul desires, focus on being secure and comfortable in us, and know that God will take care of the details of our desires?

What if we gave ourselves permission to fulfill and dare to dream while not settling? Perhaps we need to think of it as not leaving an old life or loosing something that we half wanted, but embracing our destiny of fullfilled happiness which in turn fires our soul living from unlimited God centered strength.

This "being born again" unleashes a bountiful supply of heaven on earth where we become more present for our children, the world, and ourselves. We transform into something that is living life to it's fullest instead of settling for something that doesn’t exist like security.

The only security out there is inside each of us. We need to learn to be secure in loving ourselves without the clinging or addiction of something or someone outside of ourselves.

Learn to be alone, secure, and God centered. Get your ship afloat and sailing before you take on passengers. All the while having God as your compass and His word as the map.

We each need to beware of motives based on fear of the unknown. It's like having the faith to choose something from a menu that isn't listed. Have faith in God that the details will manifest themselves as a unique life-altering journey unfolds. This is the gift that we can give our children and ourselves in this life. We need to trust our intuition and act on it regardless of the appearance of fear of scarcity.

Choose your heart’s desire of "Eggs Benedict" when it's not even listed on the menu and it happens to be lunch. You may be pleasantly surprised and ultimately better off for it, as you taste the hollandaise sauce of life!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Purpose and the Unseen

What is our purpose here on earth? In James Hillman's book "The Soul's Code" it is fashioned that each of us has a unique purpose or "acorn" that we are born with. This "acorn" is our soul's purpose, which we choose before coming into the world. We can't remember these choices so are left with amnesia.

We can either learn to listen to or neglect and push aside the reminders of our purpose here. It embodies the seen and unseen worlds where we can trust and believe or live in fear of scarcity that it may not work out for us. We will ultimately be unhappy and restless as we go against our purpose.

Here is an expert from the book:


"We sometimes talk of "fate" or "destiny." In my book I use the word Greek word diamon. Other cultures have many words for those "spirits" that seem to guide us, terms like "the invisibles."

The term diamon comes from the Myth of Er, in the last book of Plato’s Republic. According to the myth he lays out there, the soul of each of us is given a unique daimon before we are born, and it has selected an image or pattern that we live on earth. This soul-companion, the daimon, guides us here. In the process of arrival, however, we forget all that took place and believe that we came empty into the world. The daimon remembers what is in your image and belongs to your pattern, and therefore your diamon is the carrier of your destiny. As Plotinus tells us, we elected the body, the parents, the place, and the circumstances that suited the soul and that, as the myth says, belongs to its necessity. This suggests that the circumstances, including my body and my parents whom I may curse are my soul’s own choice—and I do not understand this because I have forgotten.

So the things that "happen" to us, beyond nature and nurture, beyond our genetics and our social conditioning, may be the "call" of the daimon, the soul-companion, calling us to our own character and our own destiny.
So, the glimpse of our purpose may be self apparent as children (ages 3-8, and adolecense). I beleive it is those things that we were attracted to when we were unhampered by fear of making a living, failure, and circumstances. In other words, if you had a genie what would you want to be and why are you attracted to that vocation. Is it adventure, creativity, helping others, solving a mystery, serving Christ, etc . . . ?

I feel there are no accidents and that we have attracted certain individuals into our lives for a reason. Sometime we see our soul reflected in another. Perhaps these souls are reminding us of who we truly are and ultimately our purpose on this planet. I recently met one such soul that is a muse to my creativity and heart's desire. I am learning to trust in the universe regarding the unfolding of details needed to continue this soul mate relationship. I have to have faith in the unseen knowing that the universe is unfolding in perfect order. I'm sure when I am able to finally able to let go of my will and allow God's to unfold all will be well.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

"The Knowing", "The Nexsus" and "The Awakening" in our boat

I believe, like in Star Wars, of a "force" which I call "The Knowing". It is within our ability to be in this space where we just know. Much like intuition it's an enlightenment where fresh free flow of spirit is uninhibited by thoughts. It's the space between thoughts where peace resides with God. A pure beauty of calmness and surrender in knowing that all is well and unfolding as it should regardless of our limited view, interpretation, and judgment.

In one of the Star Trek Movies there was a character who experienced an energy called "the Nexus". For the remainder of his life he lives for the moment where he is once again in this energy. I experienced a similar energy flow where serendipity and coincidences manifest a solution to a perceived problem only to be washed away with "the knowing" or faith that all is as it should be. Once we are in the "flow of the know" we are finally awakened to truly see how wonderful life is and how it provides all we need when we need it. Fear, disbelief, negative thoughts only disturbs this flow for us.

Another movie, the Matrix, has it's hero awaken from a dream while in sludge only to find a negative reality of despair. In this world he learns of his role in a virtual world where he is imprisoned by his own self-imposed limiting beliefs. Once awakened he realizes that he can create the world as he wishes as it is just a dream.

Thus, once we re-visit the old nursery rhyme of, "Row, Row, Row your Boat", we realize that life is "but a dream". We see that we must "row" each day "gently" "down" the stream of life; not against it! All the while enjoying us "merrily" focusing on our own boat and not that of a neighbors.

After all, it is our life, that is our dream, to row, in the flow, of the know. Dare to dream for all you have is now.

Arguing for Less of a Life

Do we fight against our destiny by arguing for our limitations? The words "but, maybe, because, and you don't understand." are us arguing to have a life less than we deserve. We need to pray for courage and call upon the highest within us regardless of what those around us might say, do, or think.

Be empty today of all your fears, hesitations, and false stories. Pray to be cleansed of anything that would hold you back, keep you small, or limit you in anyway. Release your opinions that do not serve you. This includes judging or anticipating other's response to your actions.

Create whatever you want out of life. It's our choice! Say to yourself "I am emptied so that I can be filled with the power of God. I am free from any limitations."