Have you ever chosen behavior that is self defeating in nature? Who hasn't? However, why haven't you stopped? If not now, when will you stop?
Popular self defeating activities include the usual cigarettes, junk food/TV, alcohol/pot, swearing, etc . . . . Knowing that something is "bad" or "self-defeating" is not enough for us to stop the behavior. It's because we haven't associated enough pain with the activity.
What's the payoff we are getting for that continued behavior. For many it is "comfort food" giving that immediate sensation of fulfillment physically when what we are really looking for is emotional fulfillment. For others it may be meditation through medication as they look at changing their physical state of consciousness through chemicals like alcohol or pot. Perhaps we are all looking for peace and happiness. However, it's the pain/pleasure principle exploiting our human nature that is the driving force behind the continued behavior.
Each moment is a choice of will. This creation point of "Now" manifests our destiny. If we are to "be" something know that we are "it" in a given moment. "Be, Do, Have" are three words explaining this creation process. We are to "Be" more of what we want in a given moment, do it, and then have it.
The question on the table is: What do you want out of life? The answer is to then "be" more of that thing you want. Drop the limiting behaviors by making a conscious choice each moment. It isn't a one time choice. You will have to continue to be steadfast in your resolve in adhering to your commitment to these guiding values and yourself. Your continued path of being less than you are continues with just one drink, puff, or bite.
Remember, we are not rational beings but rationalizing beings. Don't fool yourself! No one said having self discipline is easy. If it were everyone would be in great shape physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. They would have the happiness and peace they always desired. What do you want to experience in this life for yourself right now?
It is consistent adherence to a set of guiding principles that allows us to have a goal. It also reminds us of who we are or want to be. Find ways to set yourself up for success.
See yourself, having that perfect body, career, bank account, relationship, and life. It is your choice and it always has been. Be more of what you want now.
Because, if not now, when?
Friday, January 05, 2007
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Disipline and Dreams
What do they have that I want in my own life? I find that I compare at times myself to those who I feel have great bodies, great lives, great relationships, or whatever. I then realized that anything I want, and can think of, is within my grasp.
It may take finding a mentor, self discipline, and time, yet it is something that I could attain. There are many who wish for something but few who take appropriate and consistent action towards fulfilling their dreams.
Much of it hinges on clarity of your desired outcome. How specific can you be in your visualizing what you want? Are you able to breathe into the feelings of having that great body, spouse, life, or whatever? Are you able to consistently get up each morning and work out regardless of the multiple reasons that creep into your head called rationalizations?
It takes the ability to "dare to dream" with clarity while taking consistent and appropriate action called discipline. I guess it really depends on the level of life you want to manifest for yourself. Where do you see yourself? How do you see yourself? It is all up to you.
It may take finding a mentor, self discipline, and time, yet it is something that I could attain. There are many who wish for something but few who take appropriate and consistent action towards fulfilling their dreams.
Much of it hinges on clarity of your desired outcome. How specific can you be in your visualizing what you want? Are you able to breathe into the feelings of having that great body, spouse, life, or whatever? Are you able to consistently get up each morning and work out regardless of the multiple reasons that creep into your head called rationalizations?
It takes the ability to "dare to dream" with clarity while taking consistent and appropriate action called discipline. I guess it really depends on the level of life you want to manifest for yourself. Where do you see yourself? How do you see yourself? It is all up to you.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Zen and Now
Do you find your mind rehashing negative past events? Obsessing on the past through thoughts is often referred to in Zen teachings as a chattering mind. Realize that you have a beautiful mind and not to judge it. Understand that it is designed to latch onto thoughts and problems in an attempt to analyze and solve these puzzles of life.
Have compassion for your mind as it is like a dog gnawing a bone with, at times, bitter ferociousness. Have you ever tried taking a meaty bone away from a normally docile animal only to be snapped at? Your mind is similar as it wants to hold onto that meaty and juicy thought.
Only after compassion and understanding for yourself are you able to realize that you are NOT your thoughts and mind. Your true Christ or Buddha Nature is found not in the thoughts of the mind but between its thoughts in silence. It is found in the peace and quiet of the non-chattering mind.
Be the observer and watch your mind. Breath into the moment and work at being conscious in that moment as you proceed through the activities of your day. It is the Now that becomes the Then. So be more now of what you want then. It's all about the "Zen and Now" as you create your future and past by controlling the focus of your mind now. Use your mind in a more constructive way by focusing on what you want and not on what you don't want. Leave past events in the past.
Have compassion for your mind as it is like a dog gnawing a bone with, at times, bitter ferociousness. Have you ever tried taking a meaty bone away from a normally docile animal only to be snapped at? Your mind is similar as it wants to hold onto that meaty and juicy thought.
Only after compassion and understanding for yourself are you able to realize that you are NOT your thoughts and mind. Your true Christ or Buddha Nature is found not in the thoughts of the mind but between its thoughts in silence. It is found in the peace and quiet of the non-chattering mind.
Be the observer and watch your mind. Breath into the moment and work at being conscious in that moment as you proceed through the activities of your day. It is the Now that becomes the Then. So be more now of what you want then. It's all about the "Zen and Now" as you create your future and past by controlling the focus of your mind now. Use your mind in a more constructive way by focusing on what you want and not on what you don't want. Leave past events in the past.
Two traveling monks reached a river where they met a young woman. Wary of the current, she asked if they could carry her across. One of the monks hesitated, but the other quickly picked her up onto his shoulders, transported her across the water, and put her down on the other bank. She thanked him and departed.Be at peace.
As the monks continued on their way, the one was brooding and preoccupied. Unable to hold his silence, he spoke out. "Brother, our spiritual training teaches us to avoid any contact with women, but you picked that one up on your shoulders and carried her!"
"Brother," the second monk replied, "I set her down on the other side, while you are still carrying her."
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
My Part - Trust and Acceptance
As we co-create our reality I am reminded about "my part".
M anifest Y our P ower A ccept R elax T rust
Tensing up and obsessing until what we want takes place is at best tiring if not living in fear with anxiety. The path to success would be to trust that all is unfolding as it should in the right time.
At times you may feel like you are forcing a square peg through a round hole. Know that at those times we only see a limited path between point A and B. What if the universe has another path that you have not anticipated, see, or understand?
Release and let go of your limiting perceptions and allow the limitless universe to provide the path often of least resistance. Accept. Relax. Breathe. Let go.
M anifest Y our P ower A ccept R elax T rust
Tensing up and obsessing until what we want takes place is at best tiring if not living in fear with anxiety. The path to success would be to trust that all is unfolding as it should in the right time.
At times you may feel like you are forcing a square peg through a round hole. Know that at those times we only see a limited path between point A and B. What if the universe has another path that you have not anticipated, see, or understand?
Release and let go of your limiting perceptions and allow the limitless universe to provide the path often of least resistance. Accept. Relax. Breathe. Let go.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Love and Be Loved
The tag line from the romantic movie musical, Moulin Rouge, is: "The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is to love and be loved in return". This was borrowed from a song made famous by Nat King Cole called "Nature Boy".
The songwriter of Nature Boy was eden ahbez. eden insisted that no capital letters be used in his name as only God and Infinity should be capitalized. He felt that the tag line: "To be loved in return, is too much of a deal, and that has nothing to do with love."
eden ahbez would have liked to modify the tag line reading: "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved, just to love and be loved". I can identify with this man's concept of love instead of control. In his simpleton life he chose God and Nature first which allowed him the clarity to see miles and miles, over and through, our world of materialism and its entrapping nature.
I can also identify with loving a woman so much to where she becomes all your hopes, dreams, and future. Once loss of this special someone is experienced a realization occurs to where you are left with you. The problem is that there is no more you since you gave that up long before the end of the relationship.
There is hope in that those bohemian ideals of truth, beauty, freedom and love are within your reach again. This is because the magic of love we all long for was the energy created between the two individuals. It's the electricity or chemistry that is talked about when describing relationships.
It truly is the creation factor between the two individuals. Each of us shows up differently through different people as we co-create our reality. Each is an observer, and through mutual expectations, the two create as one their experience of love together.
Spiritual love may be given freely without stings attached. I have experienced it as more of a compassion like when Jesus said "Forgive them, for they know not what they do". Yet, romantic partnership love may actually have agreements or implicit unspoken responsibilities that each party needs to clarify.
We all know that the keystone and fundamental foundation to any fulfilling relationship worth having occurs first with a clear ability to know and love yourself. I believe that the second most valuable characteristic is the ability to trust the other enough to communicate openly, freely, and with mutual respect.
So, it is important to review your romantic relationship's fine print and verify each other's alignment to that fine print. Most romantic/partnership relationships comprise of monogamy, commitment, responsibilities, trust, respect and ability to put the other's needs before your own.
If each is respectful of the other's needs and maintains their since of self it will allow the unfolding of an interdependent and fulfilling relationship. It is each individuals responsibility to be secure in themselves through self love, self nurturing, self respect, self worth and self esteem. The inner strength of self will allow that individual to be independent which then fosters a relationship of interdependence. This of course is in direct contrast to an unhealthy, controlling, manipulative, and damaging relationship of the dark side of co-dependence.
I now have a greater appreciation for eden's desire to revise his lyrical line of poetry to emphasize that there is "no deal" in love. However, I have to remind myself of which love we are speaking as there is a difference between compassionate love that Gandhi practiced and companion love comprising of romance, financial necessity, and societal convention.
Thus, this first day of 2007, I will commit to self love, compassion love, and know that romantic "companion love" is still within the realm of possibilities.
Thanks eden (nature boy).
The songwriter of Nature Boy was eden ahbez. eden insisted that no capital letters be used in his name as only God and Infinity should be capitalized. He felt that the tag line: "To be loved in return, is too much of a deal, and that has nothing to do with love."
eden ahbez would have liked to modify the tag line reading: "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved, just to love and be loved". I can identify with this man's concept of love instead of control. In his simpleton life he chose God and Nature first which allowed him the clarity to see miles and miles, over and through, our world of materialism and its entrapping nature.
I can also identify with loving a woman so much to where she becomes all your hopes, dreams, and future. Once loss of this special someone is experienced a realization occurs to where you are left with you. The problem is that there is no more you since you gave that up long before the end of the relationship.
There is hope in that those bohemian ideals of truth, beauty, freedom and love are within your reach again. This is because the magic of love we all long for was the energy created between the two individuals. It's the electricity or chemistry that is talked about when describing relationships.
It truly is the creation factor between the two individuals. Each of us shows up differently through different people as we co-create our reality. Each is an observer, and through mutual expectations, the two create as one their experience of love together.
Spiritual love may be given freely without stings attached. I have experienced it as more of a compassion like when Jesus said "Forgive them, for they know not what they do". Yet, romantic partnership love may actually have agreements or implicit unspoken responsibilities that each party needs to clarify.
We all know that the keystone and fundamental foundation to any fulfilling relationship worth having occurs first with a clear ability to know and love yourself. I believe that the second most valuable characteristic is the ability to trust the other enough to communicate openly, freely, and with mutual respect.
So, it is important to review your romantic relationship's fine print and verify each other's alignment to that fine print. Most romantic/partnership relationships comprise of monogamy, commitment, responsibilities, trust, respect and ability to put the other's needs before your own.
If each is respectful of the other's needs and maintains their since of self it will allow the unfolding of an interdependent and fulfilling relationship. It is each individuals responsibility to be secure in themselves through self love, self nurturing, self respect, self worth and self esteem. The inner strength of self will allow that individual to be independent which then fosters a relationship of interdependence. This of course is in direct contrast to an unhealthy, controlling, manipulative, and damaging relationship of the dark side of co-dependence.
I now have a greater appreciation for eden's desire to revise his lyrical line of poetry to emphasize that there is "no deal" in love. However, I have to remind myself of which love we are speaking as there is a difference between compassionate love that Gandhi practiced and companion love comprising of romance, financial necessity, and societal convention.
Thus, this first day of 2007, I will commit to self love, compassion love, and know that romantic "companion love" is still within the realm of possibilities.
Thanks eden (nature boy).
Sunday, December 31, 2006
1000 Miles
I've heard it said that a journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step. How far have you come this past year? Where were you this same time one year ago? Have you crossed off goals while others remain unfulfilled? How many steps have you taken on your journey thus far?
These are questions of reflection appropriate for the last day of the year. However, the past is in the past along with it's resentments, successes, and personal projections of perceived events. It's good to have a destination and goals while being present in each moment and step, on your journey. Your present state of mind in any given moment is a choice along with your awareness of a single inhalation of breath. The warmth of the sun beating upon your back, or the cold wet rain on your face, are moments equally as important as your final destination.
Give yourself permission to let go of any outcome or destination allowing the Universe to provide the way. It's not as important to know the "how" as it is the "what". Your job as a co-creator with the Universe, is to keep a clear vision of "what" you want, allowing the Universe to provide the "how".
A lot can happen on a journey of a 1000 miles and at times you may not see how a certain road will take you to your final destination. However, trusting that all will be "OK" is the key to fulfillment. We are the total sum of our experiences and this includes the many roads we have trodden thus far.
This next year will undoubtedly include goals, aspirations, dreams, desires, disappointments, successes, and failures along with the many life lessons in self discovery. Know that each moment and step along our journey is an opportunity of choice as we trudge, walk, run, and at times skip towards our perceived final destination. May you choose to be joyful (joy filled) in each moment this coming year as you let go and trust that all is unfolding as it should.
Happy New Year!
These are questions of reflection appropriate for the last day of the year. However, the past is in the past along with it's resentments, successes, and personal projections of perceived events. It's good to have a destination and goals while being present in each moment and step, on your journey. Your present state of mind in any given moment is a choice along with your awareness of a single inhalation of breath. The warmth of the sun beating upon your back, or the cold wet rain on your face, are moments equally as important as your final destination.
Give yourself permission to let go of any outcome or destination allowing the Universe to provide the way. It's not as important to know the "how" as it is the "what". Your job as a co-creator with the Universe, is to keep a clear vision of "what" you want, allowing the Universe to provide the "how".
A lot can happen on a journey of a 1000 miles and at times you may not see how a certain road will take you to your final destination. However, trusting that all will be "OK" is the key to fulfillment. We are the total sum of our experiences and this includes the many roads we have trodden thus far.
This next year will undoubtedly include goals, aspirations, dreams, desires, disappointments, successes, and failures along with the many life lessons in self discovery. Know that each moment and step along our journey is an opportunity of choice as we trudge, walk, run, and at times skip towards our perceived final destination. May you choose to be joyful (joy filled) in each moment this coming year as you let go and trust that all is unfolding as it should.
Happy New Year!
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