The first order of business when a plane's oxygen mask drops is to place it on the parent before assisting a child. This is because we need to be at our best in order to be there for others. So, taking care of our self first allows us to be there for others.
This includes time management, life focus, knowing ourselves, and even our integrity. "Character Counts!" is the catch phrase at the local YMCA and it rings true here. To be more for the world, our local community, and our circles of influence we need to feed ourselves and this includes our soul.
What gives you clarity of purpose which catapults you from your earthly bonds of humanness to transporting your being to the immortal realm of the heavens?
Kenny Loggins, in the book, Songwriting for Dummies, says: "Slowly, but unsurely, I got back in touch with my muse and onto solid emotional ground. I discovered that with the decision to write again came the biggest blessing of all: the awareness that I do what I do because I was born to, because I love it, because it keeps me alive and fills me with a sense of purpose. Songwriting is my survival."
The question we all have to answer is: Who is the authentic you? What were you placed here on the planet, in this life time, to do? What did you want to be when you grew up? Were you attracted to adventure, intelligence, creativity, etc . . . Being in touch with your inner desires gives you clues on what you were placed here on earth to do.
We all know that to give is to live. We just need to remember to give to ourselves by feeding our soul.