Sunday, December 24, 2006

Missing and Longing

Missing and longing for someone or something has been many a thought especially around the holidays. Having so much stimuli of activity including presents, lights, and the hustle and bustle of holiday spirit only emphasizes those things that we feel we are lacking. It's like polar opposites of north and south. The more extreme something is in one direction only emphasizes its total opposite. So, the flip side of total joy is total despair. That's what makes the holidays such a treacherous and emotionally challenging time.

Maybe someone you love is not with you or your past life's memories become overwhelming as you think of loss. The best we can do is honor the past, be fully present in the moment, and trust the Universe that all is unfolding as it should. We can be centered in love and wishing all well while loving ourselves. Beware of undermining thoughts of lack by focusing on gratitude. It is through thankfulness that joy will enlighten the darkest corners of despair.

Why not reach out to those you love with a phone call? Send those you miss true love and then release any expectations of returned love. Be more of what you want. If you want more love, be more love. If you want more friends, be more friendly. If you want more gifts, than give more.

Expectations focused on what we want keeps the Law of Attraction bringing us more of what we are thinking about. So, watch those thoughts this holiday season while giving yourself lots of love, breathing, and quieting of the mind. Know you are truly valued and a gift to the world. It is up to you to give that gift to the world each moment of each day. God bless and be at peace this holiday season.

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