I've heard it said that a journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step. How far have you come this past year? Where were you this same time one year ago? Have you crossed off goals while others remain unfulfilled? How many steps have you taken on your journey thus far?
These are questions of reflection appropriate for the last day of the year. However, the past is in the past along with it's resentments, successes, and personal projections of perceived events. It's good to have a destination and goals while being present in each moment and step, on your journey. Your present state of mind in any given moment is a choice along with your awareness of a single inhalation of breath. The warmth of the sun beating upon your back, or the cold wet rain on your face, are moments equally as important as your final destination.
Give yourself permission to let go of any outcome or destination allowing the Universe to provide the way. It's not as important to know the "how" as it is the "what". Your job as a co-creator with the Universe, is to keep a clear vision of "what" you want, allowing the Universe to provide the "how".
A lot can happen on a journey of a 1000 miles and at times you may not see how a certain road will take you to your final destination. However, trusting that all will be "OK" is the key to fulfillment. We are the total sum of our experiences and this includes the many roads we have trodden thus far.
This next year will undoubtedly include goals, aspirations, dreams, desires, disappointments, successes, and failures along with the many life lessons in self discovery. Know that each moment and step along our journey is an opportunity of choice as we trudge, walk, run, and at times skip towards our perceived final destination. May you choose to be joyful (joy filled) in each moment this coming year as you let go and trust that all is unfolding as it should.
Happy New Year!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Feed Your Soul
We all have responsibilities in life whether it be children, partners, colleagues, parents, friends, etc . . . . But how about the responsibility for the health and well-being of ourselves?
The first order of business when a plane's oxygen mask drops is to place it on the parent before assisting a child. This is because we need to be at our best in order to be there for others. So, taking care of our self first allows us to be there for others.
This includes time management, life focus, knowing ourselves, and even our integrity. "Character Counts!" is the catch phrase at the local YMCA and it rings true here. To be more for the world, our local community, and our circles of influence we need to feed ourselves and this includes our soul.
What gives you clarity of purpose which catapults you from your earthly bonds of humanness to transporting your being to the immortal realm of the heavens?
The question we all have to answer is: Who is the authentic you? What were you placed here on the planet, in this life time, to do? What did you want to be when you grew up? Were you attracted to adventure, intelligence, creativity, etc . . . Being in touch with your inner desires gives you clues on what you were placed here on earth to do.
We all know that to give is to live. We just need to remember to give to ourselves by feeding our soul.
The first order of business when a plane's oxygen mask drops is to place it on the parent before assisting a child. This is because we need to be at our best in order to be there for others. So, taking care of our self first allows us to be there for others.
This includes time management, life focus, knowing ourselves, and even our integrity. "Character Counts!" is the catch phrase at the local YMCA and it rings true here. To be more for the world, our local community, and our circles of influence we need to feed ourselves and this includes our soul.
What gives you clarity of purpose which catapults you from your earthly bonds of humanness to transporting your being to the immortal realm of the heavens?
Kenny Loggins, in the book, Songwriting for Dummies, says: "Slowly, but unsurely, I got back in touch with my muse and onto solid emotional ground. I discovered that with the decision to write again came the biggest blessing of all: the awareness that I do what I do because I was born to, because I love it, because it keeps me alive and fills me with a sense of purpose. Songwriting is my survival."
The question we all have to answer is: Who is the authentic you? What were you placed here on the planet, in this life time, to do? What did you want to be when you grew up? Were you attracted to adventure, intelligence, creativity, etc . . . Being in touch with your inner desires gives you clues on what you were placed here on earth to do.
We all know that to give is to live. We just need to remember to give to ourselves by feeding our soul.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Missing and Longing
Missing and longing for someone or something has been many a thought especially around the holidays. Having so much stimuli of activity including presents, lights, and the hustle and bustle of holiday spirit only emphasizes those things that we feel we are lacking. It's like polar opposites of north and south. The more extreme something is in one direction only emphasizes its total opposite. So, the flip side of total joy is total despair. That's what makes the holidays such a treacherous and emotionally challenging time.
Maybe someone you love is not with you or your past life's memories become overwhelming as you think of loss. The best we can do is honor the past, be fully present in the moment, and trust the Universe that all is unfolding as it should. We can be centered in love and wishing all well while loving ourselves. Beware of undermining thoughts of lack by focusing on gratitude. It is through thankfulness that joy will enlighten the darkest corners of despair.
Why not reach out to those you love with a phone call? Send those you miss true love and then release any expectations of returned love. Be more of what you want. If you want more love, be more love. If you want more friends, be more friendly. If you want more gifts, than give more.
Expectations focused on what we want keeps the Law of Attraction bringing us more of what we are thinking about. So, watch those thoughts this holiday season while giving yourself lots of love, breathing, and quieting of the mind. Know you are truly valued and a gift to the world. It is up to you to give that gift to the world each moment of each day. God bless and be at peace this holiday season.
Maybe someone you love is not with you or your past life's memories become overwhelming as you think of loss. The best we can do is honor the past, be fully present in the moment, and trust the Universe that all is unfolding as it should. We can be centered in love and wishing all well while loving ourselves. Beware of undermining thoughts of lack by focusing on gratitude. It is through thankfulness that joy will enlighten the darkest corners of despair.
Why not reach out to those you love with a phone call? Send those you miss true love and then release any expectations of returned love. Be more of what you want. If you want more love, be more love. If you want more friends, be more friendly. If you want more gifts, than give more.
Expectations focused on what we want keeps the Law of Attraction bringing us more of what we are thinking about. So, watch those thoughts this holiday season while giving yourself lots of love, breathing, and quieting of the mind. Know you are truly valued and a gift to the world. It is up to you to give that gift to the world each moment of each day. God bless and be at peace this holiday season.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Change Christmas
On this day (December 23rd) in 1823, the first published record of the poem, "Twas the Night Before Christmas" was submitted to a newspaper, the New York Sentinel, anonymously and entitled “A Visit from St. Nicholas". Prior to this poem a sleigh and reindeer were not associated with the patron saint of children, St. Nicholas. Now this poem is world renown and read by many on Christmas Eve.
Eight reindeer in all are mentioned in the poem without a word about Rudolph and his red nose. It would take a department store copywriter, Robert May, at Montgomery Ward in 1939 to invent a story to give away to their customers. It was based on "The Ugly Duckling" and a deer who was ostracized because of his physical abnormality which would latter prove to be just the thing needed. Ten years latter, a songwriter, Johnny Marks, with much poetic license, rewrote the story setting it to song. The popular singer, Gean Autry, then breathed life into the most famous reindeer of all creating a new facet to Christmas traditions.
So, it started with an idea, and putting that idea out there to where now Christmas has more dimension of flying reindeer, a sleigh, and a ninth reindeer Rudolph. What ideas are you holding back that could change the collective consciousness our world?
Eight reindeer in all are mentioned in the poem without a word about Rudolph and his red nose. It would take a department store copywriter, Robert May, at Montgomery Ward in 1939 to invent a story to give away to their customers. It was based on "The Ugly Duckling" and a deer who was ostracized because of his physical abnormality which would latter prove to be just the thing needed. Ten years latter, a songwriter, Johnny Marks, with much poetic license, rewrote the story setting it to song. The popular singer, Gean Autry, then breathed life into the most famous reindeer of all creating a new facet to Christmas traditions.
So, it started with an idea, and putting that idea out there to where now Christmas has more dimension of flying reindeer, a sleigh, and a ninth reindeer Rudolph. What ideas are you holding back that could change the collective consciousness our world?
Thursday, December 21, 2006
To Lead A Better Life
"To lead a better life I need my love to be here..." are the opening words from the Beatles "Here, There and Everywhere" hit. Do we need a special someone here, there, and everywhere to lead a better life? The romantic in me says YES! But, the recovering co-dependent says sheepishly "no". I think it's "no" as the voice is really quiet.
It is so much easier to have another love us, someone, and at times, anyone, to show us how special we are. It feels good like the warmth of a fire on a cold winter's day. It takes a special person to be willing to trudge out in the cold snow while they maintain their inner warmth to enjoy the winter wonderland of those Arctic chills of life circumstance we have all experienced.
It's hard to love ourselves during these times while we hang on to self limiting beliefs including those false projections from others. It takes work to continually remind ourselves that we are lovable, have value, and are worth knowing. These are just some of the things that are needed in our winter survival pack.
To stoke the inner fire of warmth you may want to say aloud as you trudge "All I need is inside me now. All the love I need is inside me now. All the joy I need is inside me now. All the happiness I need is inside me now." The more you trudge while reciting this and feeling it to be true the more warmth you will gain from within.
If the outer world begins with the inner world perhaps we could start "falling in love" with ourselves. We could start with compassion for that inner child that feels rejected, insecure, or unloved. We could spend time with ourselves discovering our preferences in activities, food, and the like. Maybe it would be like dating our self with an agreed date and time including the activity scheduled for once a week.
Perhaps the phrase "I need my love to be here" is love for ourselves each moment in the here and now. The love we all desire is not found in another yet is enhanced through another. So, once we carry our love for ourselves with us we can "lead a better life" instead of relying on another and dragging them around "Here, There, and Everywhere".
So, to all those experiencing the winter chill, or know someone who is, remind them to stoke their inner fire by chanting "All the love I need is within me now"!
It is so much easier to have another love us, someone, and at times, anyone, to show us how special we are. It feels good like the warmth of a fire on a cold winter's day. It takes a special person to be willing to trudge out in the cold snow while they maintain their inner warmth to enjoy the winter wonderland of those Arctic chills of life circumstance we have all experienced.
It's hard to love ourselves during these times while we hang on to self limiting beliefs including those false projections from others. It takes work to continually remind ourselves that we are lovable, have value, and are worth knowing. These are just some of the things that are needed in our winter survival pack.
To stoke the inner fire of warmth you may want to say aloud as you trudge "All I need is inside me now. All the love I need is inside me now. All the joy I need is inside me now. All the happiness I need is inside me now." The more you trudge while reciting this and feeling it to be true the more warmth you will gain from within.
If the outer world begins with the inner world perhaps we could start "falling in love" with ourselves. We could start with compassion for that inner child that feels rejected, insecure, or unloved. We could spend time with ourselves discovering our preferences in activities, food, and the like. Maybe it would be like dating our self with an agreed date and time including the activity scheduled for once a week.
Perhaps the phrase "I need my love to be here" is love for ourselves each moment in the here and now. The love we all desire is not found in another yet is enhanced through another. So, once we carry our love for ourselves with us we can "lead a better life" instead of relying on another and dragging them around "Here, There, and Everywhere".
So, to all those experiencing the winter chill, or know someone who is, remind them to stoke their inner fire by chanting "All the love I need is within me now"!
Friday, November 24, 2006
Complete Me!
"Complete Me!" is our underlying mantra spoken by each of us as we go through life looking for one thing after another to complete us. Many of us search for our completeness in another saying: "You complete me". This feeling of wholeness is also searched for in material things buying one new thing after another in our search for happiness or wholeness.
What if we were already complete yet were distracted and focused on just one half of the balance between "Thing and NoThing"? Perhaps we need to look at the "nothing" side of this balance to gain perspective. It seems we can see and comprehend nothingness best by our observations of outer space with its vastness measured in billions light years. We know there is a lot of space or nothing out there yet we have trouble perceiving the same nothingness in our own inner space.
Our inner space is comprised of nothing between our molecules, atoms, and electrons which are held in orbit by an invisible field. This invisible field is where pure potentiality of creativity exists. Our lives are shaped and created by our intent and held thoughts that affect this invisible field thus creating our reality of things.
Space also may be found between the words we speak and our thoughts. It is said that it is the space between the bars that keeps the tiger caged. What if the unseen is more important than the seen? Perhaps we have the order reversed when we place emphasis on things first. Can't we remember that it is out of nothing that we manifest reality? This is the way creation works. Out of no thing comes some thing. So, we must place primary emphasis on the space of no-thingness and not the things.
So, if we are not our thoughts nor our things then we simply ARE. This state of "being-ness" is best experienced in the non-action and stillness of thought and deed. Quieting the mind and body allows us to catch a glimpse of our true selves being in a moment. Once the ego stops trying to protect its existence with mind chatter in turn influencing our emotions we are allowed to sit in the stillness of our being. Enjoy that moment. This "in-joy" is finding happiness within and not from outside ourselves. We are thus, "in-joy" with our selves. By simply being in the now of a single moment we can expand that space between our bars that keeps us caged.
What if, instead of focusing on: "Life being one damn thing after another", we remove the "damn thing" now reading: "Life. Being. ONE. After another"?
What if we were already complete yet were distracted and focused on just one half of the balance between "Thing and NoThing"? Perhaps we need to look at the "nothing" side of this balance to gain perspective. It seems we can see and comprehend nothingness best by our observations of outer space with its vastness measured in billions light years. We know there is a lot of space or nothing out there yet we have trouble perceiving the same nothingness in our own inner space.
Our inner space is comprised of nothing between our molecules, atoms, and electrons which are held in orbit by an invisible field. This invisible field is where pure potentiality of creativity exists. Our lives are shaped and created by our intent and held thoughts that affect this invisible field thus creating our reality of things.
Space also may be found between the words we speak and our thoughts. It is said that it is the space between the bars that keeps the tiger caged. What if the unseen is more important than the seen? Perhaps we have the order reversed when we place emphasis on things first. Can't we remember that it is out of nothing that we manifest reality? This is the way creation works. Out of no thing comes some thing. So, we must place primary emphasis on the space of no-thingness and not the things.
So, if we are not our thoughts nor our things then we simply ARE. This state of "being-ness" is best experienced in the non-action and stillness of thought and deed. Quieting the mind and body allows us to catch a glimpse of our true selves being in a moment. Once the ego stops trying to protect its existence with mind chatter in turn influencing our emotions we are allowed to sit in the stillness of our being. Enjoy that moment. This "in-joy" is finding happiness within and not from outside ourselves. We are thus, "in-joy" with our selves. By simply being in the now of a single moment we can expand that space between our bars that keeps us caged.
What if, instead of focusing on: "Life being one damn thing after another", we remove the "damn thing" now reading: "Life. Being. ONE. After another"?
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Thoughts are Things
We are all working with one power, one law; and it's the law of attraction.
Everything that is coming into your life you are attracting into your life.
It's attracted to you by the images you are holding in your mind.
It's what you are thinking.
Whatever is going on in your mind you are attracting to you.
Like attracts like at a level of thought.
Hold on to the thougts of what you want and not on what you don't want.
You become what you think about most and attract it.
When you are looking at something you don't want and shout "NO" at it you are actually not pushing it away. Instead you are activiating the very thought you do not want and law of attraction is lining up the same for you.
So, "Thoughts Become Things".
See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it.
Everything that is coming into your life you are attracting into your life.
It's attracted to you by the images you are holding in your mind.
It's what you are thinking.
Whatever is going on in your mind you are attracting to you.
Like attracts like at a level of thought.
Hold on to the thougts of what you want and not on what you don't want.
You become what you think about most and attract it.
When you are looking at something you don't want and shout "NO" at it you are actually not pushing it away. Instead you are activiating the very thought you do not want and law of attraction is lining up the same for you.
So, "Thoughts Become Things".
See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Days of Agitation - Strong Undertow Day
So what's eating you? What underlying thread of discomfort annoys your inner being to the point of aggravation? Beware of the undertow of discontentment as it has a strong current, which will not only pull you under but also send you a drift far from where your heart purpose lies.
We all can fall prey to these darker emotionally charged thoughts and feelings. The trick is to catch ourselves before we get pulled under. What may help is to embrace and accept these feelings, honoring them, and let them go. It's the letting go that will occur over time and with practice.
Placing your hand on your chest and inhaling into the feeling has helped many to honor this inner-child of pain. As thoughts manifest our reality we need to take care and focus on what we want, not on what we don't want. You may have heard the saying "Thoughts are things." or "We get more of what we focus on."
So, what are the mind's thoughts focused on today? Breath into the feelings, embrace and allow this discomfort, and then let go; all the while focusing on gratitude and acceptance of where you are in the moment. After all, circumstances change, environments change, but the "law of attraction" remains the same. Attract what you want and co-create your day with God.
We all can fall prey to these darker emotionally charged thoughts and feelings. The trick is to catch ourselves before we get pulled under. What may help is to embrace and accept these feelings, honoring them, and let them go. It's the letting go that will occur over time and with practice.
Placing your hand on your chest and inhaling into the feeling has helped many to honor this inner-child of pain. As thoughts manifest our reality we need to take care and focus on what we want, not on what we don't want. You may have heard the saying "Thoughts are things." or "We get more of what we focus on."
So, what are the mind's thoughts focused on today? Breath into the feelings, embrace and allow this discomfort, and then let go; all the while focusing on gratitude and acceptance of where you are in the moment. After all, circumstances change, environments change, but the "law of attraction" remains the same. Attract what you want and co-create your day with God.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Sandy in Mt. Shasta - "You can't buy it off the shelf"

He shares Chris Smither "No Love Today" words of wisdom set to song.
No Love Today
I don't know much, when I knew less,
And I was heartbroke for the first time,
I was drowning in my tears,
I went looking for a lifeline,
Trying to find some comfort,
A simple tender touch,
Searching for some little cure
That would not cost too much,
And I could hear that produce wagon on the street,
I could hear that farmer singing,
As I cried myself to sleep
I got ba-na-na, watermelon, peaches by the pound,
Sweet corn, mirleton, mo' better than in town,
I got okra, enough to choke ya,
Beans of every kind,
If hungry is what's eatin' you
I'll sell you peace of mind,
But this ain't what you came to hear me say,
And I hate to disappoint you,
But I got no love today,
I got no love today,
I got no love today,
No love today
I could not love to save myself
From lonesome desperation.
Everything I thought was love
Was worthless imitation.
My concept of commitment
Was to take all you could give,
I thought the cheapest thrills I loved
Were teachin' me to live,
But nothin' seemed to last or see me through
Nothin' but that little song
That I still sing for you.
No love today, none tomorrow,
Not now, not forever.
You can't see what comes for free,
I think you much too clever,
For your own good I will tell you
What's right before your eyes,
Intelligence is no defense
Against what this implies,
In the end no one will sell you what you need,
You can't buy it off the shelf,
You got to grow it from the seed,
Thanks Sandy for putting yourself out there!
Headwaters of the Sacramento
Musings of Love and Loss
Can't stop . . .
. . . . loving you.
Can't stop . . .
. . . . don't know what to do.
You're a "Sell Out" to love
. . . it hurts
It's like saying: "One last time . . .
the sun is going to shine."
. . . . loving you.
Can't stop . . .
. . . . don't know what to do.
You're a "Sell Out" to love
. . . it hurts
It's like saying: "One last time . . .
the sun is going to shine."
Friday, September 22, 2006
Bridges of Madison County
Is there a place where two souls recognize the brilliance and timelessness within each other? Perhaps it is a connection through a passing gaze that locks the two forever in familiarity. Such is a reminder from the romantic story entitled "The Bridges of Madison County".
Many poets, writers, and various muses throughout time speak of such a connection between two "star struck" lovers that are forever tied together in oneness of spirituality transcending space, place, and time. The two in each other's presence create a vortex of intertwining energy encircling and transporting the two into a dimension of enlightened presence where outsiders take notice.
Maybe souls have an agreement to meet again here on earth. And, as chance would have it, we meet again in a glimpse of familiarity that in turn ignites a fire that forever consumes our presence in this life. The burning in our heart of hearts is the true “Self” expressing itself without heed to any fear based thought.
Circumstances and perceived limitations then are used to deny, rationalize, and suppress this divine meeting of providence. Fear that we don't deserve this kind of love, or our insatiable need for security creates discourse between our soul nature and practical mind.
What if our minds seek security only to discover that the temporal nature of this existence is in fact based on change and there is no security to be had? So we pursue something that doesn't exist except in our fearful minds. It's a fear based illusion.
Why is it that so many folks turn to escaping from themselves through some distraction be it alcohol, pot, pills, cigarettes, people, television, etc. . . ? Perhaps it’s because they are unhappy on a soul level. They have “sold out” on themselves. They are doing the “right thing” which goes against their life purpose.
This internal struggle then manifests its self into life struggle and ultimately pain. These poor souls have given into their self-limiting fear-based thought making decisions and building a life on a foundation of fear. No wonder they don’t want to be fully present in the moment and search for relief from the reality they created.
Wouldn't it be nice if they were able to take a trip away from their limit-based life where they had no need of escape through cigarettes, pot, or alcohol? That's when they might realize that they are following their destiny of life purpose. They would be moving a mountain of insecurity with mustard seed like faith while not even realizing it because it is effortless.
What if we continued on this path and followed our innate soul desires, focus on being secure and comfortable in us, and know that God will take care of the details of our desires?
What if we gave ourselves permission to fulfill and dare to dream while not settling? Perhaps we need to think of it as not leaving an old life or loosing something that we half wanted, but embracing our destiny of fullfilled happiness which in turn fires our soul living from unlimited God centered strength.
This "being born again" unleashes a bountiful supply of heaven on earth where we become more present for our children, the world, and ourselves. We transform into something that is living life to it's fullest instead of settling for something that doesn’t exist like security.
The only security out there is inside each of us. We need to learn to be secure in loving ourselves without the clinging or addiction of something or someone outside of ourselves.
Learn to be alone, secure, and God centered. Get your ship afloat and sailing before you take on passengers. All the while having God as your compass and His word as the map.
We each need to beware of motives based on fear of the unknown. It's like having the faith to choose something from a menu that isn't listed. Have faith in God that the details will manifest themselves as a unique life-altering journey unfolds. This is the gift that we can give our children and ourselves in this life. We need to trust our intuition and act on it regardless of the appearance of fear of scarcity.
Choose your heart’s desire of "Eggs Benedict" when it's not even listed on the menu and it happens to be lunch. You may be pleasantly surprised and ultimately better off for it, as you taste the hollandaise sauce of life!
Many poets, writers, and various muses throughout time speak of such a connection between two "star struck" lovers that are forever tied together in oneness of spirituality transcending space, place, and time. The two in each other's presence create a vortex of intertwining energy encircling and transporting the two into a dimension of enlightened presence where outsiders take notice.
Maybe souls have an agreement to meet again here on earth. And, as chance would have it, we meet again in a glimpse of familiarity that in turn ignites a fire that forever consumes our presence in this life. The burning in our heart of hearts is the true “Self” expressing itself without heed to any fear based thought.
Circumstances and perceived limitations then are used to deny, rationalize, and suppress this divine meeting of providence. Fear that we don't deserve this kind of love, or our insatiable need for security creates discourse between our soul nature and practical mind.
What if our minds seek security only to discover that the temporal nature of this existence is in fact based on change and there is no security to be had? So we pursue something that doesn't exist except in our fearful minds. It's a fear based illusion.
Why is it that so many folks turn to escaping from themselves through some distraction be it alcohol, pot, pills, cigarettes, people, television, etc. . . ? Perhaps it’s because they are unhappy on a soul level. They have “sold out” on themselves. They are doing the “right thing” which goes against their life purpose.
This internal struggle then manifests its self into life struggle and ultimately pain. These poor souls have given into their self-limiting fear-based thought making decisions and building a life on a foundation of fear. No wonder they don’t want to be fully present in the moment and search for relief from the reality they created.
Wouldn't it be nice if they were able to take a trip away from their limit-based life where they had no need of escape through cigarettes, pot, or alcohol? That's when they might realize that they are following their destiny of life purpose. They would be moving a mountain of insecurity with mustard seed like faith while not even realizing it because it is effortless.
What if we continued on this path and followed our innate soul desires, focus on being secure and comfortable in us, and know that God will take care of the details of our desires?
What if we gave ourselves permission to fulfill and dare to dream while not settling? Perhaps we need to think of it as not leaving an old life or loosing something that we half wanted, but embracing our destiny of fullfilled happiness which in turn fires our soul living from unlimited God centered strength.
This "being born again" unleashes a bountiful supply of heaven on earth where we become more present for our children, the world, and ourselves. We transform into something that is living life to it's fullest instead of settling for something that doesn’t exist like security.
The only security out there is inside each of us. We need to learn to be secure in loving ourselves without the clinging or addiction of something or someone outside of ourselves.
Learn to be alone, secure, and God centered. Get your ship afloat and sailing before you take on passengers. All the while having God as your compass and His word as the map.
We each need to beware of motives based on fear of the unknown. It's like having the faith to choose something from a menu that isn't listed. Have faith in God that the details will manifest themselves as a unique life-altering journey unfolds. This is the gift that we can give our children and ourselves in this life. We need to trust our intuition and act on it regardless of the appearance of fear of scarcity.
Choose your heart’s desire of "Eggs Benedict" when it's not even listed on the menu and it happens to be lunch. You may be pleasantly surprised and ultimately better off for it, as you taste the hollandaise sauce of life!
Monday, September 18, 2006
Purpose and the Unseen
What is our purpose here on earth? In James Hillman's book "The Soul's Code" it is fashioned that each of us has a unique purpose or "acorn" that we are born with. This "acorn" is our soul's purpose, which we choose before coming into the world. We can't remember these choices so are left with amnesia.
We can either learn to listen to or neglect and push aside the reminders of our purpose here. It embodies the seen and unseen worlds where we can trust and believe or live in fear of scarcity that it may not work out for us. We will ultimately be unhappy and restless as we go against our purpose.
Here is an expert from the book:
"We sometimes talk of "fate" or "destiny." In my book I use the word Greek word diamon. Other cultures have many words for those "spirits" that seem to guide us, terms like "the invisibles."
The term diamon comes from the Myth of Er, in the last book of Plato’s Republic. According to the myth he lays out there, the soul of each of us is given a unique daimon before we are born, and it has selected an image or pattern that we live on earth. This soul-companion, the daimon, guides us here. In the process of arrival, however, we forget all that took place and believe that we came empty into the world. The daimon remembers what is in your image and belongs to your pattern, and therefore your diamon is the carrier of your destiny. As Plotinus tells us, we elected the body, the parents, the place, and the circumstances that suited the soul and that, as the myth says, belongs to its necessity. This suggests that the circumstances, including my body and my parents whom I may curse are my soul’s own choice—and I do not understand this because I have forgotten.
So the things that "happen" to us, beyond nature and nurture, beyond our genetics and our social conditioning, may be the "call" of the daimon, the soul-companion, calling us to our own character and our own destiny.
So, the glimpse of our purpose may be self apparent as children (ages 3-8, and adolecense). I beleive it is those things that we were attracted to when we were unhampered by fear of making a living, failure, and circumstances. In other words, if you had a genie what would you want to be and why are you attracted to that vocation. Is it adventure, creativity, helping others, solving a mystery, serving Christ, etc . . . ?
I feel there are no accidents and that we have attracted certain individuals into our lives for a reason. Sometime we see our soul reflected in another. Perhaps these souls are reminding us of who we truly are and ultimately our purpose on this planet. I recently met one such soul that is a muse to my creativity and heart's desire. I am learning to trust in the universe regarding the unfolding of details needed to continue this soul mate relationship. I have to have faith in the unseen knowing that the universe is unfolding in perfect order. I'm sure when I am able to finally able to let go of my will and allow God's to unfold all will be well.
We can either learn to listen to or neglect and push aside the reminders of our purpose here. It embodies the seen and unseen worlds where we can trust and believe or live in fear of scarcity that it may not work out for us. We will ultimately be unhappy and restless as we go against our purpose.
Here is an expert from the book:
"We sometimes talk of "fate" or "destiny." In my book I use the word Greek word diamon. Other cultures have many words for those "spirits" that seem to guide us, terms like "the invisibles."
The term diamon comes from the Myth of Er, in the last book of Plato’s Republic. According to the myth he lays out there, the soul of each of us is given a unique daimon before we are born, and it has selected an image or pattern that we live on earth. This soul-companion, the daimon, guides us here. In the process of arrival, however, we forget all that took place and believe that we came empty into the world. The daimon remembers what is in your image and belongs to your pattern, and therefore your diamon is the carrier of your destiny. As Plotinus tells us, we elected the body, the parents, the place, and the circumstances that suited the soul and that, as the myth says, belongs to its necessity. This suggests that the circumstances, including my body and my parents whom I may curse are my soul’s own choice—and I do not understand this because I have forgotten.
So the things that "happen" to us, beyond nature and nurture, beyond our genetics and our social conditioning, may be the "call" of the daimon, the soul-companion, calling us to our own character and our own destiny.
So, the glimpse of our purpose may be self apparent as children (ages 3-8, and adolecense). I beleive it is those things that we were attracted to when we were unhampered by fear of making a living, failure, and circumstances. In other words, if you had a genie what would you want to be and why are you attracted to that vocation. Is it adventure, creativity, helping others, solving a mystery, serving Christ, etc . . . ?
I feel there are no accidents and that we have attracted certain individuals into our lives for a reason. Sometime we see our soul reflected in another. Perhaps these souls are reminding us of who we truly are and ultimately our purpose on this planet. I recently met one such soul that is a muse to my creativity and heart's desire. I am learning to trust in the universe regarding the unfolding of details needed to continue this soul mate relationship. I have to have faith in the unseen knowing that the universe is unfolding in perfect order. I'm sure when I am able to finally able to let go of my will and allow God's to unfold all will be well.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
"The Knowing", "The Nexsus" and "The Awakening" in our boat
I believe, like in Star Wars, of a "force" which I call "The Knowing". It is within our ability to be in this space where we just know. Much like intuition it's an enlightenment where fresh free flow of spirit is uninhibited by thoughts. It's the space between thoughts where peace resides with God. A pure beauty of calmness and surrender in knowing that all is well and unfolding as it should regardless of our limited view, interpretation, and judgment.
In one of the Star Trek Movies there was a character who experienced an energy called "the Nexus". For the remainder of his life he lives for the moment where he is once again in this energy. I experienced a similar energy flow where serendipity and coincidences manifest a solution to a perceived problem only to be washed away with "the knowing" or faith that all is as it should be. Once we are in the "flow of the know" we are finally awakened to truly see how wonderful life is and how it provides all we need when we need it. Fear, disbelief, negative thoughts only disturbs this flow for us.
Another movie, the Matrix, has it's hero awaken from a dream while in sludge only to find a negative reality of despair. In this world he learns of his role in a virtual world where he is imprisoned by his own self-imposed limiting beliefs. Once awakened he realizes that he can create the world as he wishes as it is just a dream.
Thus, once we re-visit the old nursery rhyme of, "Row, Row, Row your Boat", we realize that life is "but a dream". We see that we must "row" each day "gently" "down" the stream of life; not against it! All the while enjoying us "merrily" focusing on our own boat and not that of a neighbors.
After all, it is our life, that is our dream, to row, in the flow, of the know. Dare to dream for all you have is now.
I believe, like in Star Wars, of a "force" which I call "The Knowing". It is within our ability to be in this space where we just know. Much like intuition it's an enlightenment where fresh free flow of spirit is uninhibited by thoughts. It's the space between thoughts where peace resides with God. A pure beauty of calmness and surrender in knowing that all is well and unfolding as it should regardless of our limited view, interpretation, and judgment.
In one of the Star Trek Movies there was a character who experienced an energy called "the Nexus". For the remainder of his life he lives for the moment where he is once again in this energy. I experienced a similar energy flow where serendipity and coincidences manifest a solution to a perceived problem only to be washed away with "the knowing" or faith that all is as it should be. Once we are in the "flow of the know" we are finally awakened to truly see how wonderful life is and how it provides all we need when we need it. Fear, disbelief, negative thoughts only disturbs this flow for us.
Another movie, the Matrix, has it's hero awaken from a dream while in sludge only to find a negative reality of despair. In this world he learns of his role in a virtual world where he is imprisoned by his own self-imposed limiting beliefs. Once awakened he realizes that he can create the world as he wishes as it is just a dream.
Thus, once we re-visit the old nursery rhyme of, "Row, Row, Row your Boat", we realize that life is "but a dream". We see that we must "row" each day "gently" "down" the stream of life; not against it! All the while enjoying us "merrily" focusing on our own boat and not that of a neighbors.
After all, it is our life, that is our dream, to row, in the flow, of the know. Dare to dream for all you have is now.
Arguing for Less of a Life
Do we fight against our destiny by arguing for our limitations? The words "but, maybe, because, and you don't understand." are us arguing to have a life less than we deserve. We need to pray for courage and call upon the highest within us regardless of what those around us might say, do, or think.
Be empty today of all your fears, hesitations, and false stories. Pray to be cleansed of anything that would hold you back, keep you small, or limit you in anyway. Release your opinions that do not serve you. This includes judging or anticipating other's response to your actions.
Create whatever you want out of life. It's our choice! Say to yourself "I am emptied so that I can be filled with the power of God. I am free from any limitations."
Be empty today of all your fears, hesitations, and false stories. Pray to be cleansed of anything that would hold you back, keep you small, or limit you in anyway. Release your opinions that do not serve you. This includes judging or anticipating other's response to your actions.
Create whatever you want out of life. It's our choice! Say to yourself "I am emptied so that I can be filled with the power of God. I am free from any limitations."
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Top Ten List from the Bible
Here are some guiding values, laws, commandments, advise, and reminders of how to live our lives from the bible.
What do you love?
Duty: Deuteronomy 6:5
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind."
Get your priorities straight.
Seek First: Matthew 6:33
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
Spend time with God.
Draw Near : James 4:8 WEY:
"Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and make your hearts pure, you who are half-hearted towards God."
Rise above it all.
Be Transformed: Romans 12:1
"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."
Go to church.
Be with Other Believers: Matt. 18:20
"Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."
Exercise, hike, eat healthy, don't smoke, don't drink alcohol, etc.
Body is the Temple: 1 Cor. 6:19-20
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body,"
Date Believers
Coupleship : 2 Corinthians 6:14:
"Do not be unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and lawlessness have in common? What fellowship has light with darkness?"
Can't buy what God makes.
Possessions: Luke 12:27 WEY:
"Observe the lilies, how they grow. They neither labor nor spin. And yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was as beautifully dressed as one of these."
Be kind and loving.
All Done in Love: 1 Corinthians 16:14 WEY:
"Let all that you do be done from motives of love."
Spiritual teacher of the family.
Responsibility of Men: Ephesians 5:22-24
"The husband is head of his wife as Christ is head of the church."
Be thankful.
Thankfulness: Psalms 118:1
"O Give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever."
Love others; but God first.
Top Two Principles, Matthew 22:34-40
"Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?" And [Jesus] said to him, "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it: 'You shall love you neighbor as yourself.' On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets."
What do you love?
Duty: Deuteronomy 6:5
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind."
Get your priorities straight.
Seek First: Matthew 6:33
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
Spend time with God.
Draw Near : James 4:8 WEY:
"Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and make your hearts pure, you who are half-hearted towards God."
Rise above it all.
Be Transformed: Romans 12:1
"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."
Go to church.
Be with Other Believers: Matt. 18:20
"Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."
Exercise, hike, eat healthy, don't smoke, don't drink alcohol, etc.
Body is the Temple: 1 Cor. 6:19-20
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body,"
Date Believers
Coupleship : 2 Corinthians 6:14:
"Do not be unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and lawlessness have in common? What fellowship has light with darkness?"
Can't buy what God makes.
Possessions: Luke 12:27 WEY:
"Observe the lilies, how they grow. They neither labor nor spin. And yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was as beautifully dressed as one of these."
Be kind and loving.
All Done in Love: 1 Corinthians 16:14 WEY:
"Let all that you do be done from motives of love."
Spiritual teacher of the family.
Responsibility of Men: Ephesians 5:22-24
"The husband is head of his wife as Christ is head of the church."
Be thankful.
Thankfulness: Psalms 118:1
"O Give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever."
Love others; but God first.
Top Two Principles, Matthew 22:34-40
"Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?" And [Jesus] said to him, "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it: 'You shall love you neighbor as yourself.' On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets."
Friday, September 15, 2006
Evenly Yoked in Relationships
In the old days when farmers used oxen to plow the fields it was important to make sure the oxen were evenly yoked. If one of the pairs were slightly in front of the other the team would eventually make a circle?
How often do couples embark on plowing their field of life unevenly yoked? A believer and unbeliever will not have the same root moral beliefs which will become the foundation of their partnership.
It may not seem like a big deal at first. But over time this poorly yoked couple will get nowhere as they circle instead of progress forward. I pray that others may benefit from my failed attempt and not keeping God the center of my marriage and family.
I have recently realized that my past marriage of nine years was never evenly yoked. I left God and the bible to please a woman. I have now reaped what I have sown. I don't think my wife would even understand the importance of keeping God first in our lives. I have been broken and humbled. I am reminded to seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.
It's the duty of the man to be the head of the family and spiritual leader. I have failed. Now I must rise above the past and pray humbly for strength and resolve. I pray my failed example of a marriage will help others realize that God as the foundation will see the couple through many troubles.
I put my trust and faith in God that all is happening in perfect order.
Thank you God for this chance at being the best I can be.
How often do couples embark on plowing their field of life unevenly yoked? A believer and unbeliever will not have the same root moral beliefs which will become the foundation of their partnership.
It may not seem like a big deal at first. But over time this poorly yoked couple will get nowhere as they circle instead of progress forward. I pray that others may benefit from my failed attempt and not keeping God the center of my marriage and family.
I have recently realized that my past marriage of nine years was never evenly yoked. I left God and the bible to please a woman. I have now reaped what I have sown. I don't think my wife would even understand the importance of keeping God first in our lives. I have been broken and humbled. I am reminded to seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.
It's the duty of the man to be the head of the family and spiritual leader. I have failed. Now I must rise above the past and pray humbly for strength and resolve. I pray my failed example of a marriage will help others realize that God as the foundation will see the couple through many troubles.
I put my trust and faith in God that all is happening in perfect order.
Thank you God for this chance at being the best I can be.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Longing for Another
Sometimes we share our inner being with another and are forever charged with their energy. We carry this charge of their energy with us long after they have left our presence. We may further realize that what we shared was unlike any other and forever carry their love in a sacred place throughout our many lives.
What do we do at that point when a past lover has left us physically, emotionally, and spiritually? We may know intellectually that we can not change another's feelings or make them do something they do not wish to do. But darn it, it sure would be nice if they showed that they still loved us on some level.
We may wish that the other has a realization from God and runs back into our arms, loves on us, and pledges their undying love for an eternity. Well, this seems to only happen in movies. But, perhaps a simple sign like a phone call would mean so much.
We possibly could believe that they did in fact love us. We wouldn't feel so ashamed in feeling like we have been taken as a fool. Too all those who have loved as fools of the heart!
What do we do at that point when a past lover has left us physically, emotionally, and spiritually? We may know intellectually that we can not change another's feelings or make them do something they do not wish to do. But darn it, it sure would be nice if they showed that they still loved us on some level.
We may wish that the other has a realization from God and runs back into our arms, loves on us, and pledges their undying love for an eternity. Well, this seems to only happen in movies. But, perhaps a simple sign like a phone call would mean so much.
We possibly could believe that they did in fact love us. We wouldn't feel so ashamed in feeling like we have been taken as a fool. Too all those who have loved as fools of the heart!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
The Plan - Our's vs. Gods
Prior, proper, planning, prevents, poor, performance is the mantra of an organized person. What happens when things are not going as planned? We all like to "control" our lives but when events unfold differently than we had anticipated we are uneasy at best.
There comes a point when we realize that we are not in control of anything except our attitude in any given situation. Let go and let God is the best plan of all asking for guidance each step of the way. Leaving our faith and trust with God during the "good" times seems to be the challenge.
Once things are "going" as planned we think "We" are the ones in control. This is our delusion. At times we may get a glimpse of something we've always wanted. Then we are shown that the timing isn't right. At times like that we need to know that God's delays are not God's denials.
There is a good reason for all that happens even though we can not see His perfect plan. Keep the faith and trust that all is unfolding as it should in God's perfect plan.
There comes a point when we realize that we are not in control of anything except our attitude in any given situation. Let go and let God is the best plan of all asking for guidance each step of the way. Leaving our faith and trust with God during the "good" times seems to be the challenge.
Once things are "going" as planned we think "We" are the ones in control. This is our delusion. At times we may get a glimpse of something we've always wanted. Then we are shown that the timing isn't right. At times like that we need to know that God's delays are not God's denials.
There is a good reason for all that happens even though we can not see His perfect plan. Keep the faith and trust that all is unfolding as it should in God's perfect plan.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Missing A Past Love
Too often we live in the past. Someone or something appears to be in the present through focus of thought. Our thoughts of the past do not make it reality of the NOW. Perhaps the past needs to stay in the past as we live our current lives in the now. However, when love abounds it is not that easy.
Love unreturned is just that, unreturned love. To think that the person you project onto will return their love is immature. You are only in control of yourself. If you have love to give someone than do so. But, don't expect to have that love returned. You cannot control another person nor control their feelings.
Instead of saying that you are "in love" with someone we may need to explore what we are experiencing and communicate more descriptively what we are trying to say. Other languages have many words for the varying incarnations of love. However, those speaking English will have to utilize further descriptive in defining their experience of love.
Many love out of neediness and seeking self-fulfillment or distraction through another. This type of love called co-dependence is a false sense of what a mature relationship could be. This type of love misses out on inter-dependence and is as elusive as a unicorn amongst the masses. Healthy love relationships need to begin with healthy individuals who ultimately come together minus the neediness and fulfillment seeking behavior.
So seek first to understand yourself and be fulfilled from within instead of looking outwardly for that one person who will complete your life.
Love unreturned is just that, unreturned love. To think that the person you project onto will return their love is immature. You are only in control of yourself. If you have love to give someone than do so. But, don't expect to have that love returned. You cannot control another person nor control their feelings.
Instead of saying that you are "in love" with someone we may need to explore what we are experiencing and communicate more descriptively what we are trying to say. Other languages have many words for the varying incarnations of love. However, those speaking English will have to utilize further descriptive in defining their experience of love.
Many love out of neediness and seeking self-fulfillment or distraction through another. This type of love called co-dependence is a false sense of what a mature relationship could be. This type of love misses out on inter-dependence and is as elusive as a unicorn amongst the masses. Healthy love relationships need to begin with healthy individuals who ultimately come together minus the neediness and fulfillment seeking behavior.
So seek first to understand yourself and be fulfilled from within instead of looking outwardly for that one person who will complete your life.
Honesty vs. Kindness
Is it better to give someone the truth when it would hurt them or choose to be kind and NOT involve them? To often we make choices that hurt other people in addition to ourselves. Do we alert the other to something that we know would hurt them? We could choose to keep our own actions under wraps and not involve another. After all, why should someone else bear the burden of a poor choice that we made?
"Honesty is such a lonely word" is a line from a popular song. I think kindness is a better alternative to honesty when it is our stuff that is at issue. If we project unto others our inner interpretations of reality then why should we inflect pain on another through honesty? Maybe we made a poor choice that we wish we could take back. So, do our own demons, need to torture someone other than us? I think not.
Thus, let the past stay in the past, and let the NOW be focused on creating the reality we want called "history". We need to deal with our own demons without inflicting pain onto others.
"Honesty is such a lonely word" is a line from a popular song. I think kindness is a better alternative to honesty when it is our stuff that is at issue. If we project unto others our inner interpretations of reality then why should we inflect pain on another through honesty? Maybe we made a poor choice that we wish we could take back. So, do our own demons, need to torture someone other than us? I think not.
Thus, let the past stay in the past, and let the NOW be focused on creating the reality we want called "history". We need to deal with our own demons without inflicting pain onto others.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Reprogramming Ourselves for Success
Are your feelings overwhelming at times?
Does your mind chatter and obsess?
Well, you are in good company.
Most of us unwittingly get caught up in runaway emotions or thoughts without even realizing it. Stop the train I want to get off!
We need to learn to manage our emotions. It's the meanings we assign to beliefs that fuel our emotions. So, to harness our strongest motivator, our emotions, requires us to assign NEW MEANINGS to our currently held BELIEFS. For instance, such and such didn't call so you know they hate you. This in turn makes you feel bad. The reality is that perhaps the person didn't call because of something totally unrelated to you and you in turn created the negative feeling.
Beware of internalizing projections whether self-generated or hurled at you by someone else. If your mind or someone else says "You didn't do it right! You are a failure." Chances are it's NOT true. However, we assume the voice is correct, assign a meaning, create a belief and now this creates a strong emotion within us.
What if we could use this same process to create positive uplifting emotions? After all, we have been known to rationalize and justify our own actions. Well, then this demonstrates that we can "manipulate" or control our emotional states. It's our choice.
Simply re-assign a meaning and create a new belief by saying internally "I did it right! I am a success." Validate yourself when others don't. Have compassion for yourself when others don't.
Know that you don't have to believe other peoples' projections. Know that their reality has been filtered through their mis-perceptions and judgmental egos. They could possibly be 2% correct with the rest being hogwash. Be careful when you are judging others knowing that they are mostly your own issues being projected outward.
We also need to realize that our inner being of spirit is truly separate from our chattering thoughts. Our brains are amazing. What we focus on will determine our experience of life.
Know that our thoughts need to be in check as they create our reality. Learn to quiet the mind and fall into the gap between words and thoughts. Meditation exercises like breath walking, sitting, yoga, tai chi, provide an opportunity for us to breath into the stillness of being and help in us learning to quiet the chattering mind.
When we are obsessing and our eyes glaze over we may need a break from ourselves. Haven't you ever walked away from a problem in frustration only to return to a solution that had eluded you earlier? The same goes for your internal chatter. We need to get up and walk away through breathing, meditating, and/or exercising. I can't deny that some find benefit through the use of pills, alcohol, marijuana, or other distraction to moderate their overwhelming emotions that are beyond their threshold of pain tolerance. Those times and types of detrimental escapisms should be few and far between as to not establish a self-defeating pattern, habit, or addiction. We can choose positive addictions that strengthen us.
So, happiness and inner peace is attainable through managing our emotions. Simply by monitoring our thoughts and focus, knowing that the meanings we assign to events create our beliefs, we can ultimately reprogram ourselves. Make a conscious choice to observe your thoughts and emotions and know we can reprogram ourselves for success in the "Azure Edge".
Does your mind chatter and obsess?
Well, you are in good company.
Most of us unwittingly get caught up in runaway emotions or thoughts without even realizing it. Stop the train I want to get off!
We need to learn to manage our emotions. It's the meanings we assign to beliefs that fuel our emotions. So, to harness our strongest motivator, our emotions, requires us to assign NEW MEANINGS to our currently held BELIEFS. For instance, such and such didn't call so you know they hate you. This in turn makes you feel bad. The reality is that perhaps the person didn't call because of something totally unrelated to you and you in turn created the negative feeling.
Beware of internalizing projections whether self-generated or hurled at you by someone else. If your mind or someone else says "You didn't do it right! You are a failure." Chances are it's NOT true. However, we assume the voice is correct, assign a meaning, create a belief and now this creates a strong emotion within us.
What if we could use this same process to create positive uplifting emotions? After all, we have been known to rationalize and justify our own actions. Well, then this demonstrates that we can "manipulate" or control our emotional states. It's our choice.
Simply re-assign a meaning and create a new belief by saying internally "I did it right! I am a success." Validate yourself when others don't. Have compassion for yourself when others don't.
Know that you don't have to believe other peoples' projections. Know that their reality has been filtered through their mis-perceptions and judgmental egos. They could possibly be 2% correct with the rest being hogwash. Be careful when you are judging others knowing that they are mostly your own issues being projected outward.
We also need to realize that our inner being of spirit is truly separate from our chattering thoughts. Our brains are amazing. What we focus on will determine our experience of life.
Know that our thoughts need to be in check as they create our reality. Learn to quiet the mind and fall into the gap between words and thoughts. Meditation exercises like breath walking, sitting, yoga, tai chi, provide an opportunity for us to breath into the stillness of being and help in us learning to quiet the chattering mind.
When we are obsessing and our eyes glaze over we may need a break from ourselves. Haven't you ever walked away from a problem in frustration only to return to a solution that had eluded you earlier? The same goes for your internal chatter. We need to get up and walk away through breathing, meditating, and/or exercising. I can't deny that some find benefit through the use of pills, alcohol, marijuana, or other distraction to moderate their overwhelming emotions that are beyond their threshold of pain tolerance. Those times and types of detrimental escapisms should be few and far between as to not establish a self-defeating pattern, habit, or addiction. We can choose positive addictions that strengthen us.
So, happiness and inner peace is attainable through managing our emotions. Simply by monitoring our thoughts and focus, knowing that the meanings we assign to events create our beliefs, we can ultimately reprogram ourselves. Make a conscious choice to observe your thoughts and emotions and know we can reprogram ourselves for success in the "Azure Edge".
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Children and Being Parents
Children are a joy and as parents our love, guidance, and consistent enforcement of boundaries will teach them how to help themselves. In the early years of development we are financially responsible for providing their material, physical, emotional, and psychological needs. After that it’s about releasing control and providing a nurturing, supportive, environment helping them learn values. Being parents is a balance between discipline and nurturing.
Guilt and shame interfere with our children’s development and our parenting. We can hold them accountable for their actions at an age-appropriate level. Of course, we need only do our best. Then we can let go of their own process of living.
So, we can ask for strength to help us find an appropriate balance of responsibility to our children. We can ask for help in parenting through nurturing and discipline, instead of control. Then we can let go and trust in the embrace of love found in the “Azure Edge”.
Guilt and shame interfere with our children’s development and our parenting. We can hold them accountable for their actions at an age-appropriate level. Of course, we need only do our best. Then we can let go of their own process of living.
So, we can ask for strength to help us find an appropriate balance of responsibility to our children. We can ask for help in parenting through nurturing and discipline, instead of control. Then we can let go and trust in the embrace of love found in the “Azure Edge”.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Are we like Alice in Wonderland?
Alice came to a fork in the road.
"Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."
~Lewis Carroll
When searching for direction, especially on the road of life, it's refreshing to run across someone with perspective like the clever feline. In this world we seem to have been trained to expect something other than genuine honesty. "Where do you want to go?", truly is the question.
We all know that direction needs a clear destination and inner purpose. Of course, to help us keep on track a compass comes in handy. From time to time we all reach a point of questioning where we loose our points of reference and choose to not look at our compass. It's OK.
Remember, this seemingly fearful time is really our internal "alert" system letting us know that we are still committed to our inner truth of "life purpose". We are letting ourselves know that we are merely in need of a course correction. Afterall, pilots flying from the mainland to Hawaii are constantly making course corrections to land on a dime on an island in the Pacific called paradise.
Once we understand that we are still on track and merely making a course correction we are no longer embarrassed or condemning. Instead we find validity in knowing we are still committed to our "life purpose" and are able to get on course once again.
This is your life and posses a unique "life purpose". Use your internal compass and celebrate the "Wonderment" of your life's purpose. Allow it to unfold each day as you make course corrections to ultimately reach the destination of "YOU" which is the unfolding of your "life purpose" in the "AzureEdge".
"Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."
~Lewis Carroll
When searching for direction, especially on the road of life, it's refreshing to run across someone with perspective like the clever feline. In this world we seem to have been trained to expect something other than genuine honesty. "Where do you want to go?", truly is the question.
We all know that direction needs a clear destination and inner purpose. Of course, to help us keep on track a compass comes in handy.
Remember, this seemingly fearful time is really our internal "alert" system letting us know that we are still committed to our inner truth of "life purpose". We are letting ourselves know that we are merely in need of a course correction. Afterall, pilots flying from the mainland to Hawaii are constantly making course corrections to land on a dime on an island in the Pacific called paradise.
Once we understand that we are still on track and merely making a course correction we are no longer embarrassed or condemning. Instead we find validity in knowing we are still committed to our "life purpose" and are able to get on course once again.
This is your life and posses a unique "life purpose". Use your internal compass and celebrate the "Wonderment" of your life's purpose. Allow it to unfold each day as you make course corrections to ultimately reach the destination of "YOU" which is the unfolding of your "life purpose" in the "AzureEdge".
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Real Love
Love and Acceptance
We are all looking for love and acceptance. But how many of us love and accept ourselves?
Someone who has found him or her, figured out what works for them, and accepts their approach to life is uniquely special and gives breath to the lives they touch.
It takes a special person to love and accept him or herself as we are our harshest critics.
What's odd is that to love ourselves and to be loved in return implies two identities within each of us.
Perhaps it is an "adult"/"child" relationship or a "mind-perception-based-false-ego" in contrast with a "being-real-based-true-soul".
In any event, it's good to know we each have a friend at all times ready to love and remind us of the joy life can bring each day if we allow it.
Today, I allow myself to feel emotions, and my mind to project thoughts, all the while knowing that they are NOT real. I honor the process and breath in the truth of knowing all is unfolding in perfect order.
We are all looking for love and acceptance. But how many of us love and accept ourselves?
Someone who has found him or her, figured out what works for them, and accepts their approach to life is uniquely special and gives breath to the lives they touch.
It takes a special person to love and accept him or herself as we are our harshest critics.
What's odd is that to love ourselves and to be loved in return implies two identities within each of us.
Perhaps it is an "adult"/"child" relationship or a "mind-perception-based-false-ego" in contrast with a "being-real-based-true-soul".
In any event, it's good to know we each have a friend at all times ready to love and remind us of the joy life can bring each day if we allow it.
Today, I allow myself to feel emotions, and my mind to project thoughts, all the while knowing that they are NOT real. I honor the process and breath in the truth of knowing all is unfolding in perfect order.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Real and Un-real
A Course In Miracles begins:
Nothing "REAL" can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herin lies the peace of God.
We need to trust that all is working in perfect order regardless of our subjective judgemental perceptions based on what is "un-real". We could choose to focus on what is "REAL" and unchanging, which has no end or begining, which lies beyond time and process with no opposite. It is truth.
The "gap" between thoughts in the silence of a moment inhaled deeply into the lungs provides a glimpse of inner peace. This peace of God may be experienced as love. We can walk in His presence or in love, moment to moment, as in prayer, resting between thoughts, between the cracks of our perceived notions, holding onto the non changing truth of the "Knowing" found in the "Azureedge".
Nothing "REAL" can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herin lies the peace of God.
We need to trust that all is working in perfect order regardless of our subjective judgemental perceptions based on what is "un-real". We could choose to focus on what is "REAL" and unchanging, which has no end or begining, which lies beyond time and process with no opposite. It is truth.
The "gap" between thoughts in the silence of a moment inhaled deeply into the lungs provides a glimpse of inner peace. This peace of God may be experienced as love. We can walk in His presence or in love, moment to moment, as in prayer, resting between thoughts, between the cracks of our perceived notions, holding onto the non changing truth of the "Knowing" found in the "Azureedge".
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Sit in Spirit
So, things are not going as you would like? Maybe you are confused and searching for direction and a plan.
When things are rough in our lives we need to trust in God's plan. One way to catch a glimpse of this plan is to listen while sitting in the silence of our own soul.
We need to seek solitude and focus on ourselves allowing alone time to heal our dysfunctional behaviors. Working on ourselves allows us to have more to give another.
That is the greatest gift of "love". To love ourselves with God while getting our ship afloat and sailing before we take on passengers.
We need to be self reliant in a healthy way while discarding our bagage that weights us down from being the best we can for ourselves, children, family and friends and ultimately a sacred partner.
So, it's a collaboration process with Spirit instead of holding onto our pride or Ego and negative traits. In esssense we are learning to love ourselves first with God knowing that all is working in perfect order regardless of appearance.
Let go of the fear of being alone and on your own while trusting in the process and perfect plan for your life.
So, things are not going as you would like? Maybe you are confused and searching for direction and a plan.
When things are rough in our lives we need to trust in God's plan. One way to catch a glimpse of this plan is to listen while sitting in the silence of our own soul.
We need to seek solitude and focus on ourselves allowing alone time to heal our dysfunctional behaviors. Working on ourselves allows us to have more to give another.
That is the greatest gift of "love". To love ourselves with God while getting our ship afloat and sailing before we take on passengers.
We need to be self reliant in a healthy way while discarding our bagage that weights us down from being the best we can for ourselves, children, family and friends and ultimately a sacred partner.
So, it's a collaboration process with Spirit instead of holding onto our pride or Ego and negative traits. In esssense we are learning to love ourselves first with God knowing that all is working in perfect order regardless of appearance.
Let go of the fear of being alone and on your own while trusting in the process and perfect plan for your life.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
The sea of life may be stormy at times and challenge the core of our being. With waves threatening our small craft we need to be in the moment addressing the tasks at hand to survive another day. What keeps us going is the promise that this too shall change. Sunny skies will come again and warmth will embrase us. Remember the saying that "All I need is inside me now."
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
What is love? Is it a "projection" of what we see of ourselves in another? Is it an ideal that we hold as "the" ultimate partner?
I think love is the ability to put the other person's welfare first above your wants, needs and desires regardless of your loss.
Some want romance, while others cling to an ideal "family" situation all the while wanting to put children first. Stability is important to children and any parent putting the needs of their children first are correct in thought and action.
Bless all those parents who are not selfish and through their selflessness uphold their children above their own desires.
God Bless.
I think love is the ability to put the other person's welfare first above your wants, needs and desires regardless of your loss.
Some want romance, while others cling to an ideal "family" situation all the while wanting to put children first. Stability is important to children and any parent putting the needs of their children first are correct in thought and action.
Bless all those parents who are not selfish and through their selflessness uphold their children above their own desires.
God Bless.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
God's Will and Directness
What is God's will for us? Are we destined to a predetermined path or are we captains of our journey? Niche said "He who has a Why to live for can bear with almost any How." A purpose driven life or value driven life may be our Why. Values and purpose then help co-create our map thus, determining the path of our journey. Begining with the end in mind gives us a much better chance at reaching our destination.
If we sit still in God's presence between thoughts in the Now; answers come and perspective is gained. Then, we are truly being human-beings instead of human-doings. This directness of purpose, in sitting and being, allows God's Will to be revealed and ultimately realized in the moment. This is the moment caught between our own E.G.O. of "Edging God Out" and the oneness of Spirit minus our own mind chatter. Thus, God's will, our co-captain, through directness of purpose, reveals our "Why" in the mist of smiply Being in that etherel place called the "Azure Edge".
- Romans 12:2 “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” -
If we sit still in God's presence between thoughts in the Now; answers come and perspective is gained. Then, we are truly being human-beings instead of human-doings. This directness of purpose, in sitting and being, allows God's Will to be revealed and ultimately realized in the moment. This is the moment caught between our own E.G.O. of "Edging God Out" and the oneness of Spirit minus our own mind chatter. Thus, God's will, our co-captain, through directness of purpose, reveals our "Why" in the mist of smiply Being in that etherel place called the "Azure Edge".
- Romans 12:2 “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” -
Friday, August 11, 2006
Longing for Love
What do we all long for but to love and be loved in return? How is it that few of us find what we desire? Are we looking for love in all the wrong places? How about the people we choose to whole-heartedly give ourselves to and then find out that we have been betrayed? How is that few in our world find happiness in love?
Maybe it's because we need to first seek to love ourselves. Isn't that where this feeling comes from? Our inner work thus creates our outer reality. We can continue to give yet understand that others will let us down. Expectations are just that "expectations".
It helps to know that there will be weeds in our garden. We just need to pull those weeds early. This helps ensure that our flowers blossom and spread their fragrant beauty on the winds of change. After all, nothing remains constant except change.
So, we need to continue to love ourselves in order to be loved and know that love comes from within each of us. We can not control another person's choices regardless of wether we agree with their choices or not.
Perhaps our only option is to hold tight and cherish those rare moments of being in-love which are caught in between thoughts and reside in the “azure edge”.
Maybe it's because we need to first seek to love ourselves. Isn't that where this feeling comes from? Our inner work thus creates our outer reality. We can continue to give yet understand that others will let us down. Expectations are just that "expectations".
It helps to know that there will be weeds in our garden. We just need to pull those weeds early. This helps ensure that our flowers blossom and spread their fragrant beauty on the winds of change. After all, nothing remains constant except change.
So, we need to continue to love ourselves in order to be loved and know that love comes from within each of us. We can not control another person's choices regardless of wether we agree with their choices or not.
Perhaps our only option is to hold tight and cherish those rare moments of being in-love which are caught in between thoughts and reside in the “azure edge”.
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