Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Thoughts are Things

We are all working with one power, one law; and it's the law of attraction.
Everything that is coming into your life you are attracting into your life.
It's attracted to you by the images you are holding in your mind.
It's what you are thinking.
Whatever is going on in your mind you are attracting to you.

Like attracts like at a level of thought.
Hold on to the thougts of what you want and not on what you don't want.
You become what you think about most and attract it.

When you are looking at something you don't want and shout "NO" at it you are actually not pushing it away. Instead you are activiating the very thought you do not want and law of attraction is lining up the same for you.

So, "Thoughts Become Things".
See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it.


Anonymous said...


A mutual "friend" showed me ur site - OMG, your poetry is too much! You have really touched me in a way no one but my father (who died when I was 8 *sniff*) has ever done. I am adding your "Can't buy it off the shelf" quote to my myspace. hope u don't mind!

See you 'round Trash'land! 8)

Anonymous said...

Hello! I came across your site while looking for inspirational quotes for my employees.

I thought you might get a kick out of one we use in the office - it seems right up your alley!

“Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish.”

Sam Walton

I don't know if you ever watched The Walton's - but that quote has stuck with me. Enjoy your day, friend!

Anonymous said...

Nobody understands me. My parents are crazy. Thoughts are things? Well nobody wants my thoughts to become a reality believe me. I sit in my room and imagine dragons burning down the cities with their fire breathing mouth weapons and laser beam eyes like deadly remote controls. My imagination has robots, computer overlords that are plotting to destroy the city through underground tunnels and a network of cyber-factories based on the moon. Thoughts are things????? YOU REALLY WANT MY THOUGHTS TO BECOME THINGS, WORLD????

My thoughts are deadlier than kung fu. I think about karate kicks and I get nosebleeds. I go up to the attic and shout NO NO NO NO NO NO NO at all my evil thoughts until I pass out. I think about where the wild things go when they die... and my thoughts? They become things; in my dreams.

Fly Away Home!

Anonymous said...

Wax On... Wax Off!