Sunday, December 31, 2006

1000 Miles

I've heard it said that a journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step. How far have you come this past year? Where were you this same time one year ago? Have you crossed off goals while others remain unfulfilled? How many steps have you taken on your journey thus far?

These are questions of reflection appropriate for the last day of the year. However, the past is in the past along with it's resentments, successes, and personal projections of perceived events. It's good to have a destination and goals while being present in each moment and step, on your journey. Your present state of mind in any given moment is a choice along with your awareness of a single inhalation of breath. The warmth of the sun beating upon your back, or the cold wet rain on your face, are moments equally as important as your final destination.

Give yourself permission to let go of any outcome or destination allowing the Universe to provide the way. It's not as important to know the "how" as it is the "what". Your job as a co-creator with the Universe, is to keep a clear vision of "what" you want, allowing the Universe to provide the "how".

A lot can happen on a journey of a 1000 miles and at times you may not see how a certain road will take you to your final destination. However, trusting that all will be "OK" is the key to fulfillment. We are the total sum of our experiences and this includes the many roads we have trodden thus far.

This next year will undoubtedly include goals, aspirations, dreams, desires, disappointments, successes, and failures along with the many life lessons in self discovery. Know that each moment and step along our journey is an opportunity of choice as we trudge, walk, run, and at times skip towards our perceived final destination. May you choose to be joyful (joy filled) in each moment this coming year as you let go and trust that all is unfolding as it should.

Happy New Year!

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